Cor Madrigal was founded by Manuel Cabero in 1951 and from 1993 to 2019 Mireia Barrera was its chief conductor. In September 2019, Pere Lluís Biosca took over the direction. The choir shows a predilection for the repertoire of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a special interest in promoting the music of Catalan composers. At the same time, it maintains an important activity in the symphonic field, mainly in collaboration with the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona, having been an associate choir of the Auditori and the OBC. It has been conducted by great conductors such as Celibidache, Cambreling, Decker, Foster, Frühbeck de Burgos, Gardolinska, Gergiev, González, Haenchen, Hager, King, Kovács, Mas, Mena, Ono, Oue, Pablo Pérez, Pinnock, Pons, Ros Marbà, Rostropovich and Soustrot. During the period in which Manuel Cabero was at the head of the choir, he sang in the world premiere of Falla’s L’Atlàntida.

In the recording field, it is worth mentioning the recording of choral music by Joaquim Homs for the Fundación Autor, as well as his latest CD “Madrigal”, which includes music by various Catalan composers. He recently collaborated with the OBC and Pablo González in a work on Enric Granados for the NAXOS label. At the Gran Teatre del Liceu, he has participated in the operas Kàtia Kavànova, Oedipe by Enesco, Le portrait de Manon by Massenet, and Les mameilles de Tirésias, and the cantata The Plague by Gerhard. He has collaborated with the artist Perejaume and in recent seasons he has toured and collaborated with orchestras such as the Mariinsky, National de Lille, Prague Philharmonic, Sttatskapelle Weimar, Hungarian Radio, and Hungarian National. From 2011 to 2014 the choir carried out an artistic residency at the Auditori Municipal de Vilafranca. The choir is supported by the Department de Cultura of Catalan government and the Institut Municipal d’Educació de Barcelona.

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